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Living As A God-Centered Mom :: A Discussion About Parenting, Motherhood, and Life with Heather MacFadyen (God-Centered Moms) – Part 1

Focusing on Moms and Mother’s Day, our host Christopher J Harris, welcomes Ms. Heather MacFadyen, host of the The God-Centered Mom Podcast (where Mom’s can admit that they’re not perfect!) and a mom of four sons for a Two-Part Conversation around her story, her growth as a mom, and what’s learning as she leads thousands of mom’s around the world. While the focus is on Moms, both Moms and Dads will benefit from hearing her story and insight. Happy Mother’s Day to all of the Mom’s out there!


If you desire to connect with Ms Heather MacFadyen and God-Centered Moms, you can check them out here: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest

A Few Key Ideas:

  • Many parents make parenting about “me” instead of it being “God-centered” – Heather M.
  • “There is a difference between Child-centered and God-centered.” – Heather M.
  • “When a child makes a mistake, our culture is looking for blame. Often that blame comes to the parents.” – Heather M.
  • “Some of our children are more compliant in younger years and that may send us the wrong message as parents as they get older.” – Heather M.
  • “The sin nature is present in all of us, including our children.” – Heather M.
  • We shouldn’t be shocked when our children rebel or misbehave. They are living out the same challenges that are in us…sin.”
  • “Until our children receive Christ, we are loving unbelievers in our home…and this is our first mission field.” – Heather M.
  • “Sometimes we expect Holy Spirit fruit when they don’t have the Holy Spirit…” – Heather M.
  • “The parenting resources that our parents were handed may not work today…” – Heather M.
  • “Our culture use to go along with religion, now they don’t.” – Heather M.
  • “Our goal should not be for us to get ourselves right, but to surrender our not-rightness…and Jesus will get you right.” – Heather M.
  • “We’ve gone from one end of the spectrum – more rules doesn’t make our kids better and no rules doesn’t make them more holy.” – Heather M.
  • “Kids are your assignment. Working outside of the home doesn’t negate that assignment.” – Heather M.
  • “God can still work in our mistakes.” – Heather M.
  • “You can have a horrible upbringing and God still use you to do incredible things.” – Heather M.
  • “We can’t take this load that we are fully responsible for everything that our kids do. In some ways God wants to develop their story that doesn’t include us.” – Heather M.


Parents – Are you happy, even if your kids aren’t happy? Or are you co-dependent on your child’s happiness to manage your own emotions?

Does technology impede on our lives and cause us to miss important moments? 

Links/Resources: (some items mentioned directly or indirectly through prior research and recommended from my social media family):


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About Our Host:

Christopher J. Harris, a native of Palatka, Fla., is currently Executive Pastor of Crossover Church of Tampa, Fla. He is also the Director of Administration & Vision Implementation overseeing the day to day operations of the Atlanta Headquarters office for Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International. He’s served at ministries in Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Chicago,IL. He’s an author and blogger and most recently wrote a book titled, Temporary Assignments. He’s an alumnus of Florida State University, University of South Carolina, special studies at Princeton Theological Seminary and doctoral work at Nova Southeastern University. Harris currently resides in Florida with his wife Dr Carmen J Harris and their children.

You can check him out here:

You can see his Social media here on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Periscope, and LinkedIn ALL at @CJHarrisOne

Here are Christopher’s Theological Beliefs:

He is affiliated with the following organizations (among others): ,, , and  

Thank You’s:

My family for their commitment to the vision to inspire wisdom in others and release me to endeavors like this. To my Producer, Kevin Scullion. To Mrs Heather MacFadyen for your passion and focus on helping moms recognize their daily impact on the lives of their families and their need to live God-centered lives.(Note: Want your name listed here? Leave a review of this podcast and you may find your name listed here…)