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Episode 075 (Life Stories Series) – Turning A Twitter Rant Into A Thriving Business With Gabby Bows Founders, Part 2


This is the Life Story Series.

Learning from an award-winning pre-teen business owner and a parent who’s juggling it all – our host welcomes Gabby Bows Founders Rozalynn and Gabby Goodwin in sharing their life story of getting a thriving business off the ground.  Learning lessons on the fly, making business mistakes, navigating the new world of entrepreneurship while maintaining a full-time job, community involvement and a busy, traveling husband, Rozalynn shares what she’s learning. Gabby, still in school (with homework and afterschool activities) shares her story and her persistence. Learn from this pre-teen what a “NO” really means. It’s an incredible conversation! Here is Part 1 of our conversation.

You can connect with them here on social media: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | Pinterest

Rozalynn and Gabrielle Goodwin of GaBBYBows, created the first of its kind, double faced, double snap barrette hair accessory! Thanks to one mom wanting to set the best example she possibly could, GaBBY Bows has exploded, filling online orders 50 states and eight countries in just three years of operations. The bows are also sold in 50 Once Upon a Child stores in 16 states across the US. Their company was one of 15 national finalists for the 2015 US Small Business Administration InnovateHER Competition, a 2016 SCORE and Sam’s Club American Small Business Champion, and the national 2016 SCORE Diverse Business of the Year. Gabby was also a 2017 national finalist for Black Enterprise Teenpreneur of the Year.

Rozalynn and Gabby’s story has been featured in Kiplinger, Washington Post, Chicago Tribute, Essence and US Chamber of Commerce Free Enterprise Magazine. They have also been featured on The Real, Tom Joyner Morning Show and the TODAY Show.


Have you ever stopped to consider what your life story is?  This question isn’t about the specific details of what, when, how long. The question is about what’s important, what did it mean, and other questions that unpack the WHY behind the what.

Our goal over the next few episodes is to host guests that will share their unique stories and engage in a level of transparency of their past and present challenges that will allow us to not only learn from them, but appreciate their stories, what they are doing and then simultaneously appreciate our own stories and life narrative. This series has FOUR (4) Goals:

  • We want you to think about your own life story
  • Appreciate your own life story
  • Listen to others’ stories – their victories, challenges, and lessons learned
  • Get a WISE IDEA about how other’s stories could cause positive change in your own life.

This series is sure to prompt smiles, evoke tears, and create “Ah Ha Moments”.

For Coaching, Questions, or Additional Information:

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About Our Host:

Christopher J. Harris, a native of Palatka, Fla., is currently Executive Pastor of Crossover Church of Tampa, Fla. He is also the Director of Administration & Vision Implementation overseeing the day to day operations of the Atlanta Headquarters office for Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International. He’s served at ministries in Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Chicago,IL. He’s an author and blogger with two books, Temporary Assignments and Church Strategies and Ministry Systems. He’s an alumnus of Florida State University, University of South Carolina, special studies at Princeton Theological Seminary and doctoral work at Nova Southeastern University. Harris currently resides in Florida with his wife Dr Carmen J Harris and their children.

You can check him out here:

You can see his Social media here on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Periscope, and LinkedIn ALL at @CJHarrisOne

Here are Christopher’s Theological Beliefs:

He is affiliated with the following organizations (among others): ,, , and

Thank You’s:

My family for their commitment to the vision to inspire wisdom in others and release me to endeavors like this. To my Producer, Kevin Scullion. (Note: Want your name listed here? Leave a review of this podcast and you may find your name listed here…)